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Showing posts from December, 2017

Best Personal Safety Wearable Beacons

A young woman, living alone in a large city. A college student, traveling to a foreign country as part of a study abroad program. An elderly gentleman, living by himself in a rural location. A father with a serious medical condition, taking a much-needed island getaway vacation with his two young children.  What do these people have in common?  All of them can benefit from personal safety wearable beacon or device. Personal safety   is a concern across all age groups and demographics, and the statistics don’t lie, either: A parent survey revealed that approximately 20% of children ranging in ages from 6-12 in the United States are regularly at home, unsupervised, after school each day. And according to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), every 98 seconds someone is sexually assaulted in our country. Meanwhile, female undergraduate students are at a “significantly increased” risk of becoming a victim of rape (or other types of sexual assault) while traveling ab

Personal Safety Wearable Devices to Prevent Rape

With crime rate increasing abruptly, there is a need to be careful and safe in all the aspects of life, especially for girls. And to make it happen there are certain safety devices that work literally well in the situation. This infographic represent the best personal safety wearable devices that help you prevent rape and make the most of your trips, ventures and the outings.  

Life Alert Systems to Rescue

Life Alert systems  are wearable medical alert systems that enable the user to contact loved ones, medical personnel, and/or law enforcement in the event of an emergency. Once associated with the elderly, these rescue beacon systems are now gaining popularity across all age groups – from young children and people with medical issues and disabilities, to college students and those working or engaging in a hobby in remote locations. The High Price for Peace of Mind Unfortunately, the cost of these life-saving systems can really add up. A Consumer Reports’ analysis of several life alert companies reveals costly fees and startup pricing. For instance, one company charges a $95 activation fee and $60 per month service fees, while another competitor charges $65 per month with a $149 “device fee.” Despite the high prices, these life alert systems don’t always deliver what one would associate with pricey devices and service plans. For example, Jennifer needed a life alert system fo